Website for a small business Concept.

Why do you need a Website for a small business?

You might be in a dilemma: do I need a website for my business? What's the point of having a website if my business is already successful and has come this far without one?

The answer is: 

Many small businesses (especially newcomer entrepreneurs) run their businesses in a lean operation. They only spend money when needed and focus on necessary and urgent matters. They think having a small business website is a luxury item, so they believe that a Facebook Page or Instagram account is enough for an online presence, which helps them sell products. 

"But the truth is, the professional website is not costly- it's an affordable and fundamental tool, which is the best way to showcase your venture."

Considering this COVID-19 pandemic, coronavirus makes in-person business more complicated and a financial crisis. They still want their businesses to run smoothly, and the best solution is going online. According to the survey, 25% of small businesses plan to start using digital marketing, 22% want to begin marketing through mobile apps, and 29% in the website in 2020. Are you among them?

The website runs 24/7/365 and is never closed. At least 85% of consumers use the internet to find a local business. What do you do when you need any products, find restaurants, or are on vacation? Your quick search on Google, and see what shows up on search results. This shows that having an online presence through a website, third-party reviews, and social media is more critical for your all-size businesses.

If not convinced, "We've collected some specific reasons why you need a website for your businesses." If you're on the fence about investing in a Website, read on!

1. Customers now expect to have a website

We live in a digital age where most people search for business online. Before people make any purchase or even want to buy something from the local market shop or find a restaurant, they do research online first. If you do not have a website, then it means that your business is stuck in a dark age, and customers may look elsewhere.

Now would you trust a business that does not have a Website?

2. Your Business is Online 24/7/365

Your website allows you to continue selling and promoting your products and services all the time, even when you're sleeping or on holiday. Your business will never be closed and runs 24/7/365—your presence online helps to support digital marketing campaigns, client relationship building, and customer service. The website, combined with digital marketing tools, also helps reach your new customers and create repeat business.

Since now COVID-19 kept everyone stuck at home, they fear continuing business to reopen to customers. So, even if you're closed in person, it can help supplement your income and attract new customers who can find your products and services via Google and other search engines. 

Keep you Business is Online

3. Show up in Google Search Results

People search to find local businesses on Google or other search engines, so you have to show up in search results to compete with others on the SEO in Nepal. If you do not have a website and depend on traditional advertising, then you will miss out on the new potential customers. 

4. You can showcase your Products and Services

A website allows you to showcase your products and services in an eye-pleasing way and provide short video tutorials or PDF instructions for customers so that they have no reason to go elsewhere to purchase. 

5. Attracts new Customers through Google, Bing, and other search engines

To continue success in your business, you need to attract more customers; the best way is to make your business visible on Google. A website is also essential for attracting local customers. Almost 46% of Google searches are people who are looking for something right near them. If you have a website, then you can have an opportunity to catch those customers when they are in your neighborhood.

Several SEO tools are also available that help optimize your website, and a well-optimized website can rank your business well. 

Attracts new Customers through google.

6. It saves your Time & Money

Customers have many questions whenever your business sells services or products. And through the phones or messages or DM will take much time in your busy schedule.

But having a website can answer many questions answers from your customers. It's always provided value to your potential customers, and the time you save here to grow and develop your business.

It also saves you money, and you don't have to print marketing material. If you want to offer discount coupons or plan to have a new catalogue, you can do it on your website and get a new subscriber in the process.

 7. Social Media isn't enough

Many business owners think that being on a social media profile is enough for business. But you have problems with this strategy. You have to depend on social media platforms; rules can change, algorithms change, and what works today might not work a few weeks from now. Trends can change, too. If your business customers are on Instagram today, they might be on another platform tomorrow.

If you have your website, it belongs to you; you don't have to follow other people's rules. Whatever your customers prefer social media, they can always find your website in the same place available to everyone.

8. Easy to keep updated

A year ago, it took weeks for a developer to build a website, and then you couldn't even make changes, even yourself.

Today, it is straightforward and easier to update any website in small batches. With the help of the Content Management System (CMS), you can do it by yourself. You need to log in to your website dashboard and click the part where you want to change. Then you'll be able to edit, add, or change any design features. It is straightforward and easier to update a website.

9. It is Cheaper than other traditional advertising

The best thing about the website is that once you pay for a small business website, it lasts for a very long time. Business cards may be misplaced, print media might be thrown away, and radio or TV ads are costly & also never guaranteed to be heard/seen. But the website is a once-off cost, is accessible, and lasts forever.

 10. Builds credibility

A website can build a lot of your credibility in the digital world. It provides your clients with extra information and proves yourself trustworthy. Your website explains to your clients why your business is valuable and accurate. It makes you look more reputable and reliable.

If you don't follow the technological progress, your potential client might think you're still stuck in the Dark Age, or worse, they'll think you can't afford it. Before, it was essential to have an actual physical address for your business. Today, it's vital your company has a website because it looks suspicious to trust your products or services to your potential customers if you don't have a website.

11. You can put all business information in one place

Your customers can visit your website to get detailed information about your products/services if you have a website. Such as:

  • Contact Form
  • Your Address
  • Phone Number
  • Menu or Service List
  • Prices / Details of Products
  • Events e.t.c

You can add all the information related to your business on your website. You own your website, control it, and use it in marketing efforts.

Put all business information in one place

12. Your competitors also have websites

However, in this digital age, it is certain that your competitors also have a website for their business. If you are stuck on social media, you will remain backhand, and your competitors will surely access a lot of clients for their business & overtake you if you aren't careful. Customers these days first research on the internet before what to buy online. And if you are not online, I'm sure you will fall behind your online competitors.

You are giving your client an excuse to buy from your competitors.

13. Analyze your business on Google Analytics

After having a website and it running live, you can check how well your business is doing and continue to improve it with the help of Google Analytics. Google Analytics is a freemium service that small businesses can use without paying, but there is a recurring fee to use advanced features.


If you are still wondering why you need your small business a website, I guess you have enough reason to understand why your business must be online. If you're going to help your business be more successful and grow big, your top priority is to make a  WEBSITE. Promote your business in the right way. Launch your small business Today!

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