lead generation concept.

Lead Generation Strategies Explained in Detail

 “Approach each customer to help him or her solve a problem or achieve a goal, not by selling a product or service.”Brian Tracy

Introduction To Lead and Lead Generation Strategy

“Lead is any person who shows an interest in your product/services and provides you with a way to contact them”

Supposedly, you have freshly set up your e-commerce that sells pet accessories. Your website is up and running and got few employees in place to handle the business.

Now, there must be someone to buy the products and services you offer through e-commerce. Well, that’s the whole point of your business.

In the search for customers, a few people may show interest in your business and share their contact details. Lead is the name for those potential customers and the method one uses to generate a lead is a lead generation strategy.

So, here we will discuss everything you need to know about lead generation strategy. Let’s get started:

Why is lead generation so important?

“If the customer can’t find your business, you need to find them.

A company without leads is like a man lost on a remote Pacific island. For the lost person, the only chance of survival is through the whim of potential sailors moving across those islands.

Similarly, a company without leads only survives at the whim of potential customers who may stumble upon the business accidentally.

Businesses must have lead generation strategies deeply embedded into their daily activity rather than taking it as a one-time process. This way, there would be no shortage of leads for the sales team to work on.

If you are a digital content creator, your every interaction with the audience should portray your intent of generating the lead. You can also use different online lead-generation tools.

Strategies for lead generation

In the era where marketers bug audiences so much that they get annoyed — one must approach lead generation strategy cautiously and in a friendly manner.

With that in place, let's discuss some strategies that are to be used for generating leads:

a) Discovering approaches to target competitor’s client

Your easiest bet when looking for leads would be to target a competitor’s client. Gmail Ads can be one means to use this strategy. They allow targeting people who have subscribed to emails from your competitors. Now, with that information in place, you can re-target those clients to generate a lead for your business. 

The advantage of this approach lies in the simplicity with which those clients can become your lead. It is because they are already interested in a similar niche of what your product/services are.

b) Remarketing with people already interested in the business

People may have shown interest in your business by any means. It could be by liking your posts on social media or stumbling upon your website.

You can use tools like Facebook Pixel to reappear in their news feed. This way you can showcase your business in front of those who are already aware of it.

As prospects become more aware of your product/services, they are highly likely to become a customer.

c) Providing freebie

You can provide some value for the audience for them to become a lead. It helps to build trust which leads the audience to take action. 

To provide value, one could share a piece of useful information with the audience on social media. The useful information can be anything relating to your niche. 

For example, if you own a car dealership, you can provide free ebooks on “car maintenance tips” or “guide for buying your first car”. The audience would be very happy to share their details for these guides.

d) Placing lead generation at the top of your marketing 

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In the above image, I have referenced the website of a popular expert in digital marketing scenario Neil Patel. The home page of this website is an impressive demonstration of how top marketers consider lead generation a key factor. The first thing a visitor would stumble upon on his website is to lead generating a funnel.

His message is so interesting that almost everyone landing on the page would go through that funnel.

Neil Patel has lured the audience to submit their details in return for analyzing the website. This way, he has generated highly targeted leads who can be at a different stage of a sales funnel.

From your social media profiles to the websites: design them to help potential customers submit their contact details (i.e., email or phone number). 

You can provide free guides, invitations to webinars, or goodies an audience would be interested in, in return for contact details.

e) Using the power of paid advertisements

Paid advertisements have turned out to be a boon for marketers. It is a means for them to come closer to their audience. 

One can use paid advertising platforms of almost all major social media and search engines to generate a lead.(i.e., Facebook ads, google ads, Twitter ads, LinkedIn ads e.t.c)

One could simply make prospects aware of your existence using the targeting feature of these platforms. The targeting feature allows showing the ads only to highly targeted individuals who might be interested in your business. 

Also, we can use LinkedIn ads, where there is a lead generation form which makes lead generation so much easier. An audience can quickly fill up those pre-filled forms with their details intact and send them back to you.

f) Using every channel for lead generation

Your interaction with the audience should happen using every means they are interacting with the internet; likely social media, search engines, and websites. Omni-channel marketing is another name for it. 

If you follow the audience through every means, it will create a consistent brand image. Also, the audience is less likely to be annoyed this way because of the familiarity with your brand.


We explored some deeper dimensions of lead generation strategies. Our best wishes to you: are to use these methods to boost your marketing campaign. Thank you!!! 

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