Best E-commerce Website Design Tips for 2022

Best E-commerce Website Design Tips for 2022

 The whole world is on the internet now, and in this digital age, you will lose a lot if you are not on the internet. This is not a piece of new news as just about everybody knows that this is the age of the internet. Since ordinary people know this, so do businesses striving to create e-commerce websites. That’s why there is no question arises like whether the business needs a website or not.

What is an E-Commerce Website?

Well, it is a website that allows people and businesses to buy and sell products and services. Depending on the type of e-commerce, businesses and regular people can conduct their transactions there. As such, these websites can be divided into three major types. They are:

  • B2B e-commerce website
  • B2C e-commerce website
  • C2C e-commerce website

The B in the above acronym means Business, and C means Customer. From this, we can easily see that almost every business transaction can be done via e-commerce. This versatility is also a reason behind the increasing demand for e-commerce website development in Nepal

Best E-Commerce Website Designing Tips


Not all websites are good. While most of the websites made for online commerce are decent, there are some really bad ones out there as well. But what makes a good e-commerce website? What are e-commerce sites' design best practices? How can you ensure that your e-commerce website development in Nepal does well?

Well, here are some tips for you for eCommerce website design.

1) Keep the design Simple

These website designing tips apply to almost every website, not just e-commerce website designs in Nepal. The concept behind this website design tip is rather simple- the more complex your website is, the more it will put off your visitors. 

Think about it for a second - would you visit/ purchase from a website filled with color schemes and complicated navigation or from one simple and easy to navigate? You would choose the latter one.

Along with the overall design and navigation, you should also keep a simple color palate. 

2) Prioritize Constant Branding

brands for a website


E-commerce sites are constantly branding and showing off products related to your brand. That said, when people normally think of branding, they only think of the logo. However, this is not the case as anything can be your branding. This includes your brand color, website theme, product placement style, and even the way you write your content. 

You don't need to show your logo everywhere, but you can insert your brand color and your brand's tone of communication in the product descriptions. This will subtly remind people of your brand while not being annoying. 

At the same time, keeping consistent branding also goes a long way in website development in Nepal. This means that "you should always use the same brand guidelines regardless of the page or media for your e-commerce sites." 

3) Be the customer first before the designer

As a website developer, it is easy to overlook a customer's needs. That said, it is also easy to understand what the customer needs from a website. 

Their demands are quite simple. All a customer needs is:

  • A fast-loading e-commerce website
  • Easy search and filtering menu
  • Decent quality image to get a preview of
  • Easy Checkout
  • A decent number of products
  • Reliable information

Among all these demands, a website designing company can fulfill every single one without much trouble.  Let's not forget that these are just some of the basic needs. Fulfilling these will ensure that your customer will not click off immediately. You still need to add in design and functionality to retain the lead. 

A high-quality and eye-catching image is also essential for an e-commerce website, as it engages customers. So, get good graphic designers in Nepal who can help you in providing good, quality, and creative images for your eCommerce websites.

This also means that technically the best tip for designing an eCommerce website if you are not an expert is to get affiliated with a good e-commerce website development company like Softbenz Infosys. And, check every requirement off the list of “best eCommerce website design practices”, while learning from the web design experts there. 

4) Use Color Psychology

Although the specific effect of color schemes on human brains drastically varies depending on the region and age, there are some universal effects of color psychology that you can use to make this e-commerce site design tips effective.

Bright colors are best used to catch attention, mild colors are pleasing to the eyes, and dark color represents the core contents of a website. By using these three basic color psychology and combining them with the website's brand image, you can create an effective e-commerce site. 

5) Easy Navigation and Checkout

website brand

Let's be honest here; no one can guarantee that every visitor of e-commerce sites will buy. However, e-commerce website designers must ensure that all visitors can find their products easily and check out whenever they want to without purchasing. 

Sure, there will be many visitors making the actual purchase. But, at the same time, there will also be many visitors for just window shopping - and they are your future customers if your website is designed well. 

For this, it is essential to ensure that visitors can easily search for what they want, navigate easily, and sign out whenever they want to. Don't force them to create an account. Just browse and add an easy add-to-cart button along with simple payment procedures. If an e-commerce website design doesn't do this right, then it is safe to assume that even those who are already on their way to pay will back off at the last moment, resulting in cart abandonment. 

6) Mobile Optimization

In this era, it is confirmed that more than half of the people use the internet. This includes people browsing e-commerce websites as well. So naturally, if you don't follow e-commerce website design best practices, including mobile optimization, you can easily lose over half of your potential customers. 

So it goes without saying that you should always optimize your e-commerce website. This includes optimizing your image, navigation, search menu, filtration, and everything. As an e-commerce website designing company, it is necessary to design an e-commerce website that works well on mobile devices. 

7) Visible Customer reviews, contacts, and descriptions

customer for a company

Although customer reviews can easily be faked and/ or artificially generated, people still give them a look. That said, in general, people can easily know a genuine review from a fake one. Although not all products have good reviews, it is better than having no reviews. 

Some buyers will deliberately seek the worst product and try it out just for fun. 

Along with this, it is also important to have easily viewable contact information. Although the website may be perfect, as a member of the overall e-commerce site development in Nepal, you can be assured that people will have complaints. Instead of ignoring them, you should leave the contact information out in the open.

Leave the rest to the e-commerce company. Your job as a website designer and developer is to ensure that you follow e-commerce site design best practices. 

Along with this, it should also be noted that while making the description visible, you should ensure that the product pages contain the appropriate and correct information, including delivery charges and shipping costs (if any). Adding the social media of the related e-commerce business is also a good idea for visibility as it is a necessity for social media marketing in Nepal.   

8) FAQ and CTA

question mark

People often underestimate the power of correctly placed FAQ and CTA buttons. For those unaware, FAQ is just an acronym for Frequently Asked Questions. Use this section to answer some of the most frequent questions and complaints.

On the other hand, CTA or Call To Action is just a button and a bit of content to trigger the viewers into buying. Words like "Buy Now," "free," and "Stock Limited" placed next to "Add to cart Icon" are some of the best things you can do for an e-commerce website.

As a side note* Although using new signs and symbols for CTA is not a bad idea, it is a risky manoeuvre. So if you are new to e-commerce site development in Nepal, stick to the familiar symbols. At the same time, depending on the location of the CTA button, it can lead to either social media pages or product pages.


The demand and need for an e-commerce website are at an all-time high. This is reasonable since every business wants to go online. However, just because there is a constant supply doesn't mean that there is a good supply. To ensure that your supply of e-commerce sites is of quality, follow the above e-commerce website design practices that we mentioned. In short, an e-commerce site should be easy to navigate, fast to load, and visually appealing. 

That said, the ones we mentioned here are not all the commerce website design tips but are not to miss. So once you are ready with your e-commerce site then find out the best digital marketing agency in Nepal for advertising and branding your business. 

We hope you found this interesting and helpful. And as always, thank you for reading till the end.  

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