seo vs smm comparision

SEO vs. SMM: The Ultimate Guide

In the current digital landscape, the competition for online visibility is hard. Businesses are using effective strategies for better online presence and attracting web traffic. There are many ways to gain online visibility. Some of the most popular ways to gain online visibility and boost your presence are SEO and SMM. These methods offer unique benefits and play vital roles in digital marketing. But what is the difference between SEO and SMM? In this blog, we will explore the battle of SEO vs. SMM. We will also talk about what they are and their core differences.

What is SEO?

seo analytics

SEO is the process of optimizing a website to enhance its visibility and ranking in Search Engine Result Pages (SERP). This process also makes your website relevant to the searches users enter into search engines. Several elements within SEO make this happen. These elements include on-page, off-page, and technical aspects of SEO.

Elements of SEO

As we mentioned earlier, there are several elements within the process of SEO. The elements of SEO can be categorized into three broad categories. These categories are as follows:

On-Page SEO

On the page, SEO includes optimizing the elements of the website. Following are some of the key components of on-page SEO optimization.

Keyword Research

Keyword research involves identifying words that your target audience is likely to search.

Meta Tags

In this process, you optimize meta title tags, meta descriptions, meta descriptions, and header tags. This process also includes optimizing the descriptions of the content.

Content Optimization

SEO also includes optimizing the content on the web page. This includes creating high-quality content that incorporates target keywords. This process also includes optimizing the content's structure, formatting, and readability.

Off-Page SEO

Unlike on-page SEO, off-page SEO Optimization improves website visibility through external factors. This process includes the following components:

Link Building

The link-building process includes getting high-quality backlinks from reputable and authoritative websites. You can achieve this through content promotion and guest blogging.

Social Media Presence

This process includes building a strong social media presence. Social media presence also includes encouraging website content sharing.

Local SEO

Along with building a social media presence, local SEO is another integral aspect of SEO. In this process, you optimize your website for local search queries. You can do this by optimizing business listings on search engine directories like Google My Business.

Analytics and Measurement

Besides Local SEO, analytics and measurement are other aspects of off-page SEO. This process includes tracking and analyzing website performances using tools such as Google Analytics.

Technical SEO

Like on-page and off-page SEO, technical SEO is also an integral aspect of optimization. In technical SEO, you focus on optimizing the technical aspects of the website to improve crawlability, indexability, and performance. Following are some of the components of technical SEO.

URL Structure

Optimizing URL structure includes creating search engine-friendly URLs. The URL optimizing includes creating URLs that are descriptive, concise and contain relevant keywords.

Internal Linking

Along with URL structure, internal linking is also a part of SEO. This process includes establishing a linking system to improve user navigation.

Site Speed and Mobile Optimization

Site Speed and mobile optimization ensure fast loading time, responsiveness, and user experience.

Website Crawling and Indexing

Along with optimizing site speed, technical SEO includes optimizing website crawling and indexing. This includes processes such as:

  • Creating and optimizing robots.txt files to instruct crawlers which parts of the website to index
  • Generate an XML sitemap that lists all the pages on the website.
  • Implementing canonical tags to avoid duplicate content
  • Monitoring and solving crawling errors
  • Structured Data and Schema Markup

In this aspect of technical SEO, you implement structured data using schema markup. This is done to provide the search engines with additional content about the website's content.

How does SEO work?

seo and google concept.

The overall workings of SEO are complicated. Additionally, the specifics will vary based on the needs of the website. However, the SEO process can be divided into seven aspects. These aspects are as follows:

Search Engine Crawling

Search engine crawling in SEO refers to using automated programs by search engines. Search engines such as Google and Bing are automated programs known as crawlers. These programs discover and visit web pages across the internet. Crawlers jump from one link to another and collect information about each page.


After the crawler visits a web page, it analyzes the webpage. This process includes analyzing web page content, structure, and other elements. The information is then added to the search engine index. What is a search engine index? A search engine index is a database that contains information about all the web pages that the search engine program has visited.

Ranking Algorithms

After the website is indexed, the search engine algorithm is implemented. This algorithm ranks the web page based on a wide range of factors. These factors include keyword relevance, website speed, and website authority. It is also important to note that the ranking algorithm is not publicly disclosed.

On-page Optimization

You need to optimize various on-page elements to get a good ranking per the ranking algorithm. These include optimizing meta tags, user experience and website speed.

Off-page optimization

Along with on-page optimization, you should also optimize aspects outside the webpage. Off-page optimization includes processes such as link building and building a social media presence.

Content Creation and Optimization

In addition to off-page optimization, content creation and optimization are crucial aspects of SEO. Content creators create relevant, high-quality content incorporating target keywords in this process. This attracts more organic traffic and increases the chance of ranking high.

Technical SEO

Besides optimizing content, SEO includes technical aspects. These technical aspects include optimizing internal linking, URL structure, and creating Robots.txt and XML sitemap.

Monitoring and Analysis

After you perform all the required optimization, you should also analyze and monitor to identify areas of improvement. You can do this through web analytics tools to gain insights into website traffic, user behavior and conversion rates.

What is SMM?

social media marketing

SMM or Social Media Marketing is the process of using social media platforms to promote your product, services, or brands. SMM also includes engaging with your target audience. As its name suggests, SMM uses social media to build brand awareness. In other words, SMM simply uses social media platforms to market your product and services. That said, not all Social Media Marketing is the same. So, what are these types of SMM?

Types of SMM

As we mentioned earlier, not all forms of Social Media Marketing are the same. There are many types of SMM. Some of the most popular types of SMM are as follows:

Content Marketing

In this form of SMM, you develop and market content to attract customers. This includes activities such as:

  • Blog posts
  • Video Posts
  • Article posts
  • Infographics

And more. The goal here is to attract social media users' attention and gain website traffic.


Similar to content marketing, this SMM aspect includes creating and posting content. The difference here is that, unlike content marketing, you promote the ad content through paid ads. This allows you to reach a wider audience and achieve specific marketing goals. You can target your specific audience demographics to display the ad to.

Influencer Marketing

Besides content marketing, influencer marketing is another popular type of SMM. In this form of SMM, you utilize the fame of social media influencers and promote your product and services. In other words, you collaborate with an influencer and let them promote your products and services. You can do this through sponsored reviews, content and giveaways.

Social Media Engagement

Unlike all the SMM forms we have discussed so far, social media engagement involves interacting with your audience. In this form of social media engagement, you comment, chat and reply to your customers to build brand loyalty and enhance engagement.

Contests and Giveaways

Contests and giveaways are other popular social media marketing methods. You engage with your customers and promote your products and services through content and giveaways. The prizes for the contests and giveaways are given based on your customers' engagement.

These are just some of the most popular types of social media marketing. Depending on your needs, you can customize your own SMM strategy.

How does SMM work?

The core principle of Social Media Marketing is rather simple; you run a marketing campaign and drive customers to your products or sales. The good news is that regardless of the type of SMM you choose, your goal is to attract customers to your product and increase engagement. For this, you can follow the process below.

Define goals and target audience.

The first step is to understand your marketing goals. Along with this, you should also define your target audience. This includes:

  • understanding user demographics
  • understanding user interests
  • understanding user behaviors
  • understanding user preferences

And more to make a custom social media strategy.

Select relevant social media platforms.

After defining your goals and target audience, the next step is to select your social media platforms. Some of the most popular social media platforms are:

  • Facebook
  • Instagram
  • TikTok
  • Pinterest
  • Twitter
  • LinkedIn

Each of these social media has its own good and bad aspects. Therefore, it is important to choose your relevant social media platforms carefully.

Develop a content strategy.

After choosing the social media platforms, the next step is developing the content strategy for your SMM campaign. This includes planning the types of content, posting frequency and tone of the messaging. In this process, you also plan the types of content you want to post.

Engage with the community.

After developing your content strategy, the next step is to build and engage with your community. You can do this by replying to the comments, posting giveaways, and publishing content.

Utilize Social Advertising and Influencer Marketing

You should engage with your community, and use social media advertising and influencer marketing to enhance engagement and conversion rates. This will help you build your brand and enhance visibility.

Monitor and Analyze

Like SEO, SMM requires constant monitoring of social media platforms for mentions, comments, reviews, and trends related to the brand. Monitoring helps businesses stay informed about customer feedback, sentiment, and industry trends.

What are the similarities between SEO and SMM?

Now that we know the basics of SEO vs. SMM and how they function, let's talk about their similarities. Although both SEO and SMM are distinct marketing strategies, they have similarities. Some of the similarities between SEO and SMM are as follows:

Increased Online Visibility

One of the core similarities between SEO and SMM is their objectives. Both SEO and SMM are implemented to enhance the online visibility of a business. Although there are differences in the methods used, their end goal is the same.

Audience Targeting

Another similarity between SEO and SMM is that both of these methods use targeted audiences. SEO focuses on optimizing web content and target audiences in search engines. Similarly, SMM targets audiences on social media.

Content Strategy

Similar to audience targeting, both SEO and SMM include content strategy. You require content strategy in SEO for developing high-quality and relevant content. Similarly, you require a content strategy for SMM to create engaging and shareable content.

Analytics and Measurements

As mentioned earlier, analyses and measurements are integral to SEO and SMM. You will need to analyze and measure your online performance in both digital marketing mediums.


You can integrate both SEO and SMM into each other to form a close-knit digital marketing strategy. You can integrate SMM into SEO by means such as blog sharing, which enhances the chance of getting good backlinks. You can integrate SEO into SMM through keyword analysis for identifying potential customers.

These are just some of the similarities between SEO and SMM. Both SEO and SMM have their own forms of strategies. However, understanding their similarities can help you utilize both effectively.

What are the differences between SEO and SMM?

digital marketing

Although SEO and SMM share some similarities, they also have their own differences. Following are some of the primary differences between SEO and SMM.


The primary goal of SEO is to improve the website's ranking and visibility in SERPS for relevant keywords and queries. On the other hand, SMM focuses on customer engagement and building brand awareness through social media channels.


SEO primarily utilizes websites and search engines like Google, Bing, and DuckDuckGo. The primary focus is optimizing the website to rank higher in these search engine platforms.

SMM, however, is centered around social media platforms such as Facebook, Instagram, TikTok, Twitter, and Linkedin.

Audience Reach

SEO focuses on a wider range of audiences through website content. The audience is gained by optimization for specific keywords and searches.

On the other hand, SMM is focused on a specific target audience. The audience is defined as per the demographics, interests and behaviors.


SEO is a long-term strategy, and it requires constant effort. This includes time and effort for website optimization and link building. However, the growth here is organic and sustainable.

SEM can provide you with quicker growth and immediate results. Thus, SMM is used to generate immediate visibility and interactions.

User Intent

SEO fulfils user intent by providing relevant, informative and valuable content per the user's search query. SMM focuses on building brand awareness and developing relationships with users.


SEO is usually considered a more long-term, cost-effective strategy. However, the cost is distributed over the long term and requires constant effort. SMM, on the other hand, requires budget allocation but is a short-term investment in general.

These are the core differences between SEO and SMM. Although there are differences between SEO and SMM, the best digital marketing strategy is to integrate both SEO and SMM.





Improve website ranking on SERP

Gain customer engagement and build brand awareness


Google, Bing, DuckDuckGo, Yahoo

Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn, Pinterest, Twitter

Audience Reach

Wider Audience

Targeted Audience



Quick and Long Term

User Intent

Search Query

Brand awareness and user engagement


Cost-effective and profitable over a longer duration

Frequent short-term investment

Which Should you choose, SEO or SMM?

So now that you know what SEO and SMM are, along with their similarities and differences, which one should you choose? The best answer to this question is "both". Although SEO and SMM have their share of differences, both are integral aspects of digital marketing.

SEO is important for gaining organic customers for your website and is a long-term solution. On the other hand, SMM is essential for building brand awareness and gaining engagement on social media platforms. Therefore, if you want traffic on your website, SEO should be your priority, But if you want to engage with your audience through social media, then SMM should be your choice.

But as we mentioned earlier, the best option is to choose both SEO and SMM.

We hope you found this helpful. If you want further information on SEO, SMM and other website design aspects, check out some of our other valuable blogs. And as always, thank you for reading till the end.

FAQ on SEO and SMM

What is the full form of SEO and SMM?

The full form of SEO is Search Engine Optimization, and the full form of SMM is Social Media Marketing.

What is SMM in simple words?

SMM or Social Media Marketing is the process of internet marketing using social media platforms as primary marketing tools.

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