seo concept.

Link Building in SEO: Tips and Tricks

Gone are the days when businesses relied on traditional marketing tantrums for marketing boosts. If companies want to have a competitive edge, digital marketing should be their primary focus. And what is even more critical is their search engine performance. When Potential customers search for a phrase, having top-notch search engine rankings would be an enormous factor for increased revenues.

How to create a powerful backlink? How to do link building? What is broken link building? Are you curious about them? Let's dive deeper into how we can achieve this with link-building methods and some link-building strategies.

Introduction to Link Building For SEO

SEO is not just about using targeted keywords, you have to build adequate backlinks too. Link-building is all about adding credibility to your website by having other websites refer to you. It helps rank the website higher in the search engine's result pages. "Backlink" is the common term used for this. 

The following scenario can further simplify the link-building process. Suppose the website is writing a blog about different operating systems available for desktop computing(i.e., Windows, Mac OS, Different flavours of GNU/Linux). In that case, it won't include a lot of content about every operating system to satisfy the need of intrigued readers about the particular operating system, and the website's link to a reliable source for complete information.

This is a great practice and assures a better user experience. It generates trust in the audience due to the openness of the content creator regarding the limited scope of his content. These kinds of opportunities are the basis of link-building on the internet. Interestingly, here the websites you have referred to would gain backlinks, boosting their search rankings.

Why Is Link Building Important for SEO?

SEO and google analytics

Google algorithm considers 100 factors for search ranking the webpage for a particular Google search. One of the essential factors is link building. This is why SEO experts like softbenz use various effective, efficient and advanced You would likely go to AJ Burgers. link-building methods as well as link-building tools to efficiently build up natural links.

Consider You are on vacation in Amsterdam. If you ask four locals about the best place for burgers in town, they refer to AJ Burgers.

Now consider that AJ Burgers is a website "", and four locals are four websites on the internet. If those pages refer to "", google considers it more reputable and ranks the webpage higher in search results. 

Apart from the Number of natural links referring to the website, the backlink's context and authority are essential.

Backlinks originating from websites like NYTimes or the Wall Street Journal(WSJ) are high-authority backlinking sites. Simultaneously backlinks from a Website that doesn't have brand value won't add much to the SEO effort. Therefore you should increase your brand value through means like Social Media Marketing (SMM) and brand mentioning.

Also, a backlink from a website whose niche is lawnmowers won't add much value to the website about women's cosmetics. But if the website's theme is like your website, it would be a boon for your SEO effort.

We can only achieve this credibility by generating value for other website owners and the overall internet.

Placement of High-Quality Links

The backlink originating from the body section of a webpage is considered more valuable. Simultaneously, if the referring link is in the header and footer section of the website, it is least valuable. The logic here is the search engine's understanding that editorial referencing only happens on absolute necessity. 

How to Build Quality Links?
Let's discuss some strategies to build links that are to be used for an authentic, advanced and natural link-building process:

1) Guest blogging/ Guest posts

guest posting for better SEO

What about putting out some guest posts and blogs on similar niche websites? Fellow website owners would appreciate guest blogging if you have some reputation in the industry. This link-building strategy would work for a novice content creator too. It can glorify your web presence and generate backlinks.

2) Powerful Backlinks from the ". EDU" website

Universities often have some resource pages to help students with their studies. On the resource page website, they often link back to reliable sources. As a website owner, you can contact the maintainer of those University webpages to link back to your resource. It would be a win-win for both parties, and they would credit you with powerful linking and free traffic.

3) Updating The Outdated Referred Content

Often websites reference outdated resources. You can search for them on similar niche websites. Once you find those outdated links, notify the respective authority about the situation. Also, ask them to include your updated content. Fellow website owners would be happy to notify outdated resources and update them with newer ones.

4) A Reliable Source For Reporters and Bloggers

There is a lot of demand for reliable content on the internet; if you become that source of unquestioned reference whenever someone needs it, well done! Google's Webmaster and their Other fellow would help you with a lot of SEO efforts for free.

5) Identifying Potential Reference Points

One can browse through the authoritative website in the industry for any place where additional references are missing. If your content is viable for that space, contacting those webmasters for that purpose may land some crucial backlinks for your SEO effort. 

6) Podcasts Link Building

Attending different podcasts would expose you to a larger targeted audience. Depending on the value it can generate, you can reference your website for additional information somewhere in between the podcast. The viewers would expect the hyperlink for your website in the podcast description area and visit it. Not only would the process of building links come together smoothly, but we also generate additional traffic for your webpage.

fixing broken links for better link building

Side note* Besides building links, an SEO expert should keep a list of broken links and 404 errors. This is necessary so that s/he can report this to the web development team for repairs. This is an important aspect of broken link building. 

At the same time, you should be careful to not make your links nofollow links since they will not help in SEO. Instead, while link building, be sure to make it a dofollow link (sometimes simply known as follow links).

The conclusion

Link building is an important aspect of off-page SEO. It is one of the best methods to get an audience from other websites and build your credibility on the internet. The more quality backlinks you build, the better Google rankings you will have. More often than not, people often ignore this aspect of SEO and focus only on using targeted keywords. However, both of these aspects are important aspect when it comes to Google ranking or search rankings factors in general. The use of targeted keywords is a visible aspect while advanced link building is the unseen but equally important aspect of the SEO.

Regardless of whether you use Guest posts, podcast link-building or any other advanced link-building methods, building adequate backlinks is a must.

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