ideas for mobile app development Project

How to generate ideas for mobile app development Projects?

Let's start with a fun fact, did you know as per a survey, roughly 6.37 smartphones were circulating the world? This was just the number of smartphones that were actively sending data and is not representative of the total smartphones in use.

Some smartphones may have been under repair at this time and many may have been on shelves. This is a huge number of smartphones and do you know what smartphones run on? It's naturally mobile apps. If it wasn't for the constant upgrades of mobile apps, there would be no use of smartphones. But this poses a conundrum for the app developers. How to generate new ideas for mobile app projects?

We probably don't need to say this but at this point, everything that can be done within the confines of current technology has been done. So generating ideas for mobile phone apps is harder than it initially seems.

But is there any way to do this? There is - and this is exactly what we will be talking about here.

How to get mobile app development project ideas?

mobile app development project ideas

Thinking about generating ideas is easy but when you get to the task, creating new mobile app ideas for your mobile phone's app development project is extremely hard. As we mentioned before, at this point, everything that can be done has already been done, within the confines of our current technology, especially on mobile app development.

Regardless of whether your mobile app is a game, fitness app, or financial app, all you need to do is take a quick browse in the Google Play Store and Apple App Store. You will find thousands of apps tailor-made for specific purposes such as finder apps and management apps. Now, although only a few of the mobile app projects are good, we must admit that there are apps for just about everything.

The question now remains - since everything that can be done has already been done, how can I generate new ideas for my mobile application project?

It's time for the answers.

1) Know your target audience and their demands

Knowing the target audience and their demands is one of the core aspects of any mobile app. It doesn't even matter what the genre of a mobile app is. If you are embarking on an iOS and Android app development project, you need to focus your efforts on one group of people and know their needs.

Of course, you should not embark on a mobile app project and build an app by simply compiling their needs. This will lead to a huge failure. However, knowing what your audience wants is a great way to start.

2) Browse through the app store

Yes, this is a valid way to generate mobile app ideas for your mobile application development projects. This method is as simple as it gets. Take a look at the apps, browse through their features and look at their reviews. You can get plenty of ideas from this alone.

Do note that you need to do all of these with an intention and note down the features and comments you like. This is a great way to collect the list of your desired features, requests, and complaints from the user. Besides this, the review panel is a great way to get entertained as well.

3) Note what trending

Trending app


While browsing on the app store, you should keep the trending apps in your mind. They are, after all, the ones that are most in demand and popular in the current meta. Study these apps carefully and include their detailed features. If your mobile application development project makes you money, you can even invest in some top apps on the trend, even if it costs you a bit.

The point of this entire activity is to know the reasons why people like trending apps. This includes noting their features, purpose, Interface, and everything in between.

This is one of the best ways to generate ideas for your mobile app development project because it lets you in on the best and brightest apps to get influenced by.

4) Competitor analysis

This method of idea generation for your mobile app development project is not valid if you are not involved in an organization or a competition.

The core of this method for idea generation is to know who you are competing against and analyze what they are doing. For this, you will naturally need to download their mobile apps and take them apart. You will also need to do more thorough research and analysis of your competitor's mobile app projects

Take note of their good and bad aspects and try to come up with an app design that integrates their good but eliminates the bad. When you are in an organization. Sometimes your biggest competitor can be your biggest source of inspiration and mobile app ideas.

5) Keywords

Yes, keywords are not just about SEO, digital marketing and content writing services. You can and even need to use keywords to generate ideas for a mobile application development project. That said, the process of using keywords here is quite simple.

All you need to do is think of a few words related to your mobile app project. Although this will require a lot of thinking since it is easier to elaborate on an idea rather than condensing it into a few words, it will provide you with the general gist of the core components for your iOS and Android app development project.

6) Programming Meetups

Programming Meetups

Although programming meetups are somewhat rare in our current context, they still do happen - and these meetups are one of the best ways to get inspired. These meetups are mass meetings of like-minded people each involved in one sector within a broad field. And conversing with people in these meetups will not just provide you with better networking but also allow you to generate ideas, and maybe even a few tips on how to upgrade your skills.

7) Validating your Idea

Generating an idea surely is hard, but generating a good idea is even harder. Now while you may have an idea for a decently good app, is it the best idea? You will need to confirm if the idea for your mobile app development project is valid or not. Sure the app may be good but is it valid for the market?

The thing with validating your idea is weird as a good app is not always a good app for the market. Your idea for a mobile app project may be rejected by people since they do not understand its value or simply do not need everything your app provides. This naturally needs a lot of public opinion. Furthermore, people don't always know what they need either.

Therefore, it is necessary to read public reviews and gather public opinion before you start working on your mobile app development project. Even after you do start your work, it is always a good idea to release a few demos to ask your colleagues and friends to give it a review before moving on to the final version.

In the end

Generating an idea is the first step while embarking on any form of project. However, generating ideas is also one of the hardest things in the world. Furthermore, generating a good and valid idea is even harder, especially in this era when everything that can be done has already been done. The good news is that because of this very same time, there are a plethora of references for you and just as many sources to source your idea from.

We hope you found this informative. If you want further insights on various aspects of web and mobile app development, do check out some of our other blogs. And as always, thank you for reading till the end.


How do I get an idea for a mobile app?

There are many tactics and methods to get ideas for mobile and one of the best ways is to just observe the world. Besides this, here are a few more methods you can try:

  1. Browse app store
  2. Attend programmers meetups
  3. Study trending apps
  4. Competitor analysis
  5. Find out the keywords for your app
  6. Know your target audience

What are the three most important things you should consider when developing a mobile app?

The three most important things you should consider while developing a mobile app are:

  1. Target Audience
  2. Intention
  3. Budget

Is app design hard?

Short answer- yes. Long answer- it is extremely hard because you will need to be fluent in programming and creative enough to generate new practical ideas for mobile app projects.

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