
How does website redesigning work?

In the ever-changing digital landscape, it is necessary to always stay ahead of the competition. Everything is evolving with time. So, why should your website stay the same? Similar to everything else, websites are constantly evolving as well. Now some of you may wonder how a website can evolve. Naturally, they are redesigned to meet the ongoing change. Websites periodically go through the redesigning process. How does website design work?

We will answer this very same question. Here, we will take a closer look at how the website redesigning process works. But before we dive into the process of website redesigning, let's cover the basics first.

What is website redesigning?

In simple words, website redesigning refers to the process of making significant changes to an existing website. These changes include changes in website structure, design, and even functionality. Now the reason for the website redesign will vary depending on the needs of the client. Some may request for the website redesign to stay updated with the trends. Others may request a website redesign for optimization.

Regardless of the reason, when a website goes through a redesign process, there will be significant changes.

Now that we have a general idea of what a website redesign is, let's take a look at the process involved in website redesigning.

How does website redesigning work?

The process of how a website redesign works is rather complicated. However, the general premise of the website redesigning process can be summarized as “A client asks for a website redesign, and the company asks for the requirements and makes changes according to the needs of the client. In other words, the details will vary depending on the client.” That said, regardless of the details, they do follow the following general pattern.

1) Evaluation and Analysis

The first step in the redesigning process is to understand and analyze the existing website thoroughly. This process involves assessing and evaluating the following.

  • Website functionality
  • Existing content
  • User experience
  • Performance metrics of existing website
  • Website architecture
  • User interface

Once these areas have been evaluated, the website redesigner notes down the areas that need improvement. Along with this, they also gather user feedback and conduct surveys to gain insights into the performance of the existing websites.

2) Goal Definition

After the existing website has been analyzed thoroughly, the next step is defining the goal. For this, the website redesigner often conducts meetings with the client. This is done to understand the wants and needs of the client. Once this is done, the designer determines the end goal of the website redesign process. As we mentioned earlier, the end goal of the website redesigning process can be anything ranging from optimization, and boosting conversion rates, to rebranding.

3) Planning and Strategy

In this process, the website designing team develops a thorough plan and website redesign strategies for the redesign. This includes considering many factors such as audience, competition, industry trends, along budget constraints of the client. Once these factors have been put into consideration, the web design and development team makes a redesign strategy on how to proceed.

4) User Experience and Information Architecture

User Experience

Once the basic guidelines have been drafted, the next step is to improve the user experience of the existing website. This can be done through many methods. Some of these processes include:

  • Ensuring intuitive navigation
  • logical content structures
  • Ensuring user-friendly interfaces

Considering these factors, the UX designer develops wireframes or prototypes to visualize the layout and flow of the redesigned website. A good website redesign also ensures that the content is well-organized and accessible.

5) Visual Design and Branding

During the website redesign process, many companies often enhance their visual designs. This is done to stay updated with the trends or make modifications to their branding. This process of website redesigning includes creating a visually appealing and consistent design. The design should align with the existing brand identity or as per the requirement of the client.

6) Content Strategy and Optimization

After the branding, the website designers and web developers focus on the content. This includes processes such as content audit, gap analysis, and creation of new content through content writing. Similar to branding, the new content should align with the needs of the website. This process often requires a bit of SEO expertise as well.

7) Development and Implementation

Once the design and content strategy is finalized, the website development team proceeds with the process of redesigning. This process includes choosing the suitable CMS (content management system) and implementing the design using HTML, CSS, along with other web technologies.

8) Testing and Quality Assurances

Testing and Quality Assurances

This is the final step before the launch of the redesigned website. In this process, the web developers test the redesigned website for any form of bug. They also ensure that the redesigned website is functional and compatible across many different web browsers, devices, and platforms. Once the test is over, the development team makes further changes as per required.

9) Launching and Post-launch

This is the final step of the website redesign process. After thorough testing and analysis, the website is made live for the public audience. Once the website is launched, its performance is closely monitored. This is done to provide the clients with further services associated with website design and development.

These services may include ongoing maintenance and optimization of the website. It can also include the monitoring of the key performance index (KPI) to reassess the success of the website redesign.


Website redesign is a process used by organizations to enhance the performance of their existing website. In this process, web developers can follow a wide range of strategies depending on the needs of their clients. Here we talked about some of the general processes followed during the website redesigning process.

We hope this quenches your curiosity regarding the question of "How does website redesigning work?". If you want further insights on website development and design, do check out some of our other blogs. And if you want to redesign your website, be sure to remember us at Softbenz.

And as always, thank you for reading till the end.

FAQ on website redesign

How do you redesign a website?

The process of redesigning a website is as follows

  • Evaluate existing website
  • Define goals and objectives
  • Define budget and audience
  • Plan and Strategy
  • Develop a User-Centered Design (UCD) and infrastructure architecture
  • Visual design and branding
  • Content strategy and keyword optimization
  • Testing and quality assurance
  • Launch and maintenance

Does website redesign affect SEO?

Yes, the website redesign does affect SEO. When done well, it can enhance the overall SEO of a website drastically.

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