Artificial Intelligence

All about Artificial Intelligence

Artificial Intelligence (AI) refers to any human-like knowledge shown by a computer or other machine. The aims of AI include learning, thinking, and understanding. AI has gained notice in recent years to make progress in technology.

If we ask, What is Artificial Intelligence?- the answer depends on who you as. In 1950, Minsky and John McCarthy(the father of AI) described AI as any task performed by a machine before being considered to require human intelligence. This definition remains relevant. However, we have now added machine learning to the concept. 

How do machines learn?

artificial intellegence

Although a machine learning model may apply different techniques, the learning methods are into three categories:

Supervised learning

Supervised learning is an algorithm learning from the training dataset. Supervised allows for collecting data and produces data output from past experiences. For example, a picture of a bus labeled bus will help the algorithm identify the rule to classify a bus.

Unsupervised learning

Unsupervised learning allows AI algorithms to recognize patterns in datasets, including data points that are not classified or labeled. For example, a recommendation system of an e-commerce site where algorithms found related items usually got together by the user.

Reinforcement learning

Reinforcement learning allows machine learning models to make a sequence of choices. For example, self-driving cars beings reward for staying on the road.

AI in everyday life


Although AI is deeply associated with machines and robots, we use AI in our daily lives. As long as you are a frequent user of the internet or a mobile device, you are constantly using various forms of AI in your daily life. Don't believe us? Well, check out the following examples of AI that we use in our daily lives. 

Web Search

The web engines are using AI tools also. Search engines learn from the vast input of data provided by their users to provide relevant search results. Search Engines use AI to create a Ranking algorithm to improve their ranking algorithms.

Machine Translations

Language translation software depends on artificial intelligence to provide and correct translations. It also applies to functions such as automatic subtitling. An example of Automatic subtitling is on YouTube and can be translated into many languages.

AI against COVID-19

In the case of COVID-19, AI has been in every sector. In medicine, it can help recognize infection from lung scans. AI robots are used to take care of patients. AI is used to provide data to follow the spread of disease.

Spam Detection

Fake news and spam can be detected using AI applications. AI application recognizes by mining social media data. Google says their AI catches 99.9% of Gmail Spam.

Google Maps

Google Maps is probably another example that can help us understand AI in our daily lives. If you want to get from your place to the next destination, you use Google Maps. It makes predictions of the most efficient way to get to the destination

Some Stats

  • “61% of Europeans look favourably at AI and robots, 88% say the technologies require careful management.” Eurobarometer 2017, EU-28
  • “AI has the potential to deliver additional global economy of around $13 trillion by 2030, and 16% more GDP compared with today.” McKinsey & Company.

Future of Artificial Intelligence 

Machine Learning

Artificial intelligence has developed as the next big thing in the technology field. The concept of Alan Turing from the 1950 Turing machine to today's world has seen many development tasks done. Considering its growth rate, it will continue to act as a technological innovation for the predicted future. As these technologies grow, they will have more and more impact on the social context and quality of life.

CEO of Tesla Elon Musk believes that the London research lab DeepMind is a top concern in artificial intelligence. Google acquired DeepMind for $600 million. DeepMind is best known for producing AI systems that can play games better than any human.

Impact of AI on society

Artificial Intelligence is still far from the imagination but gaining its pace. We can see Herbert Televox, the first humanoid robot to Tesla Autopilot for self-driving Tesla cars. People and companies have high expectations of AI's effects on society in the future. One of such expectations is significant in drug discovery.
Many believe that AI use in Research and Development centres can minimize human exploitation. 
CEO of Tesla Elon Musk says Tesla cars will come with the Autopilot feature. No vehicle is capable of driving itself. He has repeatedly warned that AI will soon become just as intelligent as humans, and we should all be scared because humanity's very existence is at stake.


Artificial Intelligence is the product of both science and myth. The idea that machines could think and task as humans do is thousands of years old. AI will become more intelligent than a human, so we should be prepared for the outcome also.

Hope you found this blog on ALL about Artificial Intelligence helpful. Also check Digital Marketing Blogs from Softbenz Infosys, to get yourself updated in this modern world. Thank you for reading this till the end. 

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